Sunday, February 20, 2005

SuperBug Update

One more factor to consider in the recent HIV SuperBug story: the condition of the meth addict's immune system. Tina does to brain cells and T-cells what a nice sport bottle full of Liquid Drano would do to the lining of your digestive system. This guy may have progressed because he was already a mess at the time he was infected.

The late, great AIDS activist Michael Callen wrote in his 1990 collection of writings and speeches Surviving AIDS that he had been diagnosed and treated for over sixty curable and chronic sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and other illnesses related to his voracious sexual lifestyle before he was diagnosed with HIV. He wondered aloud why he had not been dead long before he caught the bug. Callen also noted that at least some of the who men passed so quickly in the early 80's did so as much to immune systems trashed by drinking, addictions and multiple STIs as due to a lack of understanding of the new virus in town.

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