Thursday, February 24, 2005

God Smites Pope For Anti-Gay Remarks

Pope John Paul II was rushed to the hospital early this morning in what clearly appears to be a full blown "smiting" by a vengeful Lord God Almighty. While the mainstream press and the Holy See's spin doctors attempted to downplay the event, Vatican insiders also noted that the Almighty's response was less than 36 hours after the pontiff called gay marriage part of the "ideology of evil" in his newly published tome "Memory and Identity."

During a personal conversation with the Son this morning, I was informed that the Big Guy is tired of all divisiveness being engendered against His gay and lesbian children.
"That old Polack is really getting under my omnipresent skin" the Son claims his Dad told him off the cuff during "welcome to heaven" cocktail reception for the latest tsunami victims currently dying by the thousands of hunger, malaria, typhus and other post-disaster diseases. "He thinks its all about him. He should know better: it's all about Me!"

When I asked the Son about the other, more bigoted comments against LGBT people by American televangelists, He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear. "Dobson's next," my own personal Savior hinted conspiratorially.

(For more irreverence, commentary and other assorted stuff, visit the Reality Check website.)

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