Friday, February 18, 2005

HIV Super Bug or Superinfection

While the startling headlines from New York last week may have shaken the HIV/AIDS community, its important to remember all the facts are not yet on the table.

One fact that remains unknown is whether the 40-something crystal meth and sex addict has a new virulent strain of HIV or is superinfected with multiple strains of the disease.

Clinical evidence has already shown that reinfection does exist among those HIV+ people who do not modify their risk behaviors. Clinical evidence also has shown people can be infected with multiple sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) in one encounter and that certain STIs - especially herpes simplex II, syphilis and human papillomavirus - actually create circumstances that facilitate multiple STI infection.

So until we see the genotyping and phenotyping of this supposed supervirus, the jury's out. Is this is truly a single super bug or merely multiple infections of different strains of HIV?

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